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  • Writer's picturebai

invariably, eat breakfast

I have finally found the secret to happiness - invariably, it is simply to eat breakfast.

well, I think probably the secret to happiness is just to take care of yourself; eat breakfast, get enough sleep, read your scriptures and all that. you know, that stuff the "experts" always tell you to do but you never do until you do and discover that it's the best decision of your life.

we all have to learn things for ourselves, I suppose. you can't just be told something and know the truth of it. you may believe it; yes I believed that eating breakfast would make my day better, but until I actually did eat breakfast, I didn't know it.

I don't usually eat breakfast before I go to school. who in their right mind wants to, number one, get up early enough to eat said breakfast so you're not rushing to school and, number two, eat at that early time in the morning? but as I had my ap literature test today, my mom stuck with tradition and made me crepes to get me all ready for my test.

I didn't realize the effect actually eating something in the morning and getting energy into me had until much later in the day. I realized that throughout the day, despite it being a very long day, I was so upbeat and happy. smiley. it was nice.

so! long story short - eat your breakfast kids.

an old photo, but a happy one

anyway, today seriously has been quite the day. I had my test, of course, in the morning, after which I went and hung out in smith's room because I was excused for all of third period and didn't have to go back. he was doing the deer activity with his third period class and I was kinda sad because, if he was doing it with third period, that invariably meant that he had already done it with first, which means that I would have missed out on it while I was in my ap test.

but, because I am a slightly-too-hopeful optimist, I asked him if he had already done it with first period and he said no! that they would do it next class period.

let me just say, it's ridiculous how much small things can make me happy.

so anyway, after that and after lunch, I had an interview with this french professor from weber state, which went swimmingly and I really enjoyed having a full conversation in french. I didn't realize how much I could understand and speak and it was a really nice thing to have.

and I had yoga, but since I'll probably talk more about how life-changing that is in another post, I'll move on. and I also had my first choir rehearsal tonight, but I know I will have probably a whole post dedicated to that later.

but currently, I'm stalking my favorite photographer's blog/website. I went back to the very first post he wrote in 2014 and honestly I completely adore it. I love reading his thoughts and his creativity through writing, it gives you such a different perspective than who people are in real life. it's like, through writing, you can see a more personal side of them. and I love that.

despite my extreme awkwardness and evasiveness in society, I really do like getting to know someone. all their little details and the things the make them tick. the things that keep them up at night. I like people.

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